How We Kick Off The Fall !

Every year our family kicks off the holiday season the same way . Here in New England there are always tons of awesome festivals and fall weekend events to attend . Our favorite by far here at the Pennyvoyagers is the Connecticut Renaissance Faire . It runs from August to Columbus day .

We here always opt to dress up in renaissance get ups. Which of course we thrift . However there are different themes weekends that do occur during the time span which you can dress up as just about anything . We also sometimes recycle our gets up or add pieces for Halloween .

It honestly isn’t an expensive day ticket prices are generally $15 for adults and they have online deals starting in July . Dogs are welcome as well as long as they are leashes . There is plenty of food , performers , shops , and more to do.

Here at the PennyVoyagers we have two personal favorites . The Graces are three lovely ladies who can really sing and bring the adult topics into play as they are 

wenches beer of course !  Also our second go to is Auntie Arwen Spices ! I suggest grabbing the cat knip tea from them and checking out there online shop as they have tons of fresh stuff . 

All and all it’s a really awesome event to go to ! Also note there is tons of local brews and even adult centered nights . However we would say over all it’s a great family event as our age group spans from 4 and up ! 

Family Time is Key .

Hello Everyone,

We here at PennyVoyagers believe that Family time is key . We relish in the fact that with some proper planning and a bit of savings you can have some well needed moment making time. While we wish we could spend everyday at Disney which is possible if you live in CA or Fl we know we cant ! So we all decided it was time to share our tips, stories, and voyages with all of you so you can enjoy what we have learned. What we want to share today are the top reasons why we love family time and we would love to hear yours .

  1. Family Bonding – Spending time together strengthens your relationships that you have with your family while also creating memories. Also the more time you spend together helps you to handle the curve balls that life throws your way .
  2. Wellness becomes Key- If you haven’t heard the expression health is wealth maybe you have been hiding. None the less building in family bonding time helps to make sure a healthy lifestyle is in play. It might be walking and talking or maybe having a sit down meal together but it keeps one another on track.
  3. Positive Vibes Wins- Spending time together is big for fostering self esteem as well as confidence .

All and all the more time together the better ! Keep on fostering those positive bonds and see how much more fun you can have when you do .