Florida is always For Me!

Why I will Forever Vacation in Florida

I love Disney and Star Wars is up there as well actually in general I love vacationing in the mecca of tourism that is Florida. At almost thirty with no children of my own is that weird and should my travel tastes evolve? I do not think so and I bet I could find a ton of other men and women who do not think it is and probably have some reason for why there love the “magic” and the scene in Florida. I have my main reason being when I was in a shitty period of my life Disney was my gym, therapy, and only place I could get decent bread I would track miles and smiles on social; I would feel as though I was always on vacation, and for me it always provides clarity when I go there. Somehow my inner child and dreams surface and I go heavy into planning and changes when I return home.  Florida for me in general just brings sunshine and happiness. I love the southern hospitality and all the places I always find when I am there.  SO many that I still have not seen and even Walmart seems like an adventure.  While I like going other places Florida remains a main stay and will for years to come.

 Now I make it a point to afford to go at least three times a year and I stay up to date on everything I can in the theme park world. Maybe for me it is a connection to a happy place in my life – I lived in Orlando and loved my time there. I worked in the industry and have an admiration for the top-notch service provided and understanding of the demand.  People who make so little give up so much of their own lives to create memories for others. Something you would not truly appreciate or enjoy unless you saw what it was like.  It is not easy giving up holidays, family moments, and other countless moments yet still people do it.  I am a fan of all theme parks for that reason and I love new openings and seeing the industry thrive from the places on I drive to whatever Disney might add to everything in between.  It has also given me an appreciation for wanting to give the smaller parks or midway attractions a chance in smaller secondary markets. Someone who worked in Boston I know what it is like to have a homey midway attraction become the heart of a place for people to go! I appreciate the museums, aquariums, and other spots of New England even more so than I ever did.  Finding the appreciation in service and small moments of travel are everything and can spark wanting to see more closer to you!

Or it could be my family enjoys it and it is something we all have in common. We have discussions and make plans. it brings us connection and genuinely happy conversation.  For me as well every time I go with someone else, I love the reactions of the small details they have never seen, food we have never tasted, or place we have not slept. It makes making memories a blast and meaningful.  I for sure do get some odd lucks from people when I say I am going to Florida – I get the oh, Disney again!  I do not care though I know I am doing what I enjoy.  Florida in general gives me that essence- who does not love coming home with $1.99 neon t shirts for the whole family.  Also, can we talk about the fact that for the most part the social media community is engaging and supportive. It creates traditions and pathways as well on its own.

Let us face it to theme parks and experience were meant for adults. Not all rides are for children, drinking is acceptable, and darn it we deserve to destress with some sugar and popcorn!  The only let down might be the rain fall that happens daily from 2pm -5pm but even that can make for an excellent store or photo op.

Staying On Track : Workout Focus on Vacation

While it may seem super easy to slake on your routine while going on vacation it can sometimes create a downhill track to the progress you have been making if on a wellness journey. I for one know what it is like to restart on wellness journeys as before I was a wellness coach myself! While vacationing should be all about fun and you definitely should not limit yourself to some excellent food I say carve out that time to still get your work out in! Here are my got to steps to making sure that happens.

Pre Plan

Make sure before you even head on vacation to express to whomever your traveling with that a part of your line up is working out.  If you’re like me and sometimes used to travel for work, try and look at what meetings you have and plan for before or after you day gets started.  Also check out where your staying and see if they have gym that works for you! If not, there are tons of on demand work out services that offer work outs you can do in a limited space and time.

Have Fun and Change it Up

Groupon is a great way to save money and maybe a even better way to try something new with your fitness routine. A lot of times Groupon has walk in deals for different classes. Sometimes you might even find at your hotel activities that can substitute for a workout like playing football or other sports. That’s also a way to get the whole gang involved if you’re in a family setting.

Set a Goal and Track It

                Try and plan the time that your going to work out and how many times while on vacation. Then make sure your checking it off even if its on a phone reminder list or good old fashion crossing it off a day planner. Also, I seriously promote work out selkies and staying accountable with social media.

When All else Fails Walk

I am a big fan of walking and frankly sometimes if walking to locations is reasonable it can save a ton of money. Make a goal to walk an extra 1-4 miles a day and trust me you will still get a quality work out in. It also could serve as a way to see parks and other historic places at your destination.

Those are the best tips we use while on vacation. Have any more we would love to hear from you in the comments or on our social media feeds! Let’s face it the better we feel the more fun we can have.

Family Time is Key .

Hello Everyone,

We here at PennyVoyagers believe that Family time is key . We relish in the fact that with some proper planning and a bit of savings you can have some well needed moment making time. While we wish we could spend everyday at Disney which is possible if you live in CA or Fl we know we cant ! So we all decided it was time to share our tips, stories, and voyages with all of you so you can enjoy what we have learned. What we want to share today are the top reasons why we love family time and we would love to hear yours .

  1. Family Bonding – Spending time together strengthens your relationships that you have with your family while also creating memories. Also the more time you spend together helps you to handle the curve balls that life throws your way .
  2. Wellness becomes Key- If you haven’t heard the expression health is wealth maybe you have been hiding. None the less building in family bonding time helps to make sure a healthy lifestyle is in play. It might be walking and talking or maybe having a sit down meal together but it keeps one another on track.
  3. Positive Vibes Wins- Spending time together is big for fostering self esteem as well as confidence .

All and all the more time together the better ! Keep on fostering those positive bonds and see how much more fun you can have when you do .